Saturday 15 September 2007

Shami still head honcho!

After four shoot outs Shami-leave-no-marks and his Apache braves are still top of the leader board. Jake Fargo has limped out of town, threatening to come back with his bro Wells...

heres a pic of one of shamis ancestors Ambrosius Aurelianus, "Marksy" to his Teulu

There is no Top six-gun as there are a few contenders on three kills.

Dave Marks -Shami-leaves-no-Marks Apaches: 109

Samuel Marks - Lt Norman House US infantry: 94

Pat Smith - Wind of Valdez bandidos: 92

Steve Hall - Rob Johnsons Rebs outlaws: 91

Joe Dever- Jake Fargo cowboys: Headed for the hills, or should that be his Bro's ranch. Now back on his way to Imelda with a new posse: 55

Mike Howe - Marshal Mike lawmen: 40

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